Fruits To Avoid During Sore Throat

Suffering from a sore throat can be a deeply uncomfortable experience, characterized by pain, scratchiness, and irritation that can worsen when swallowing. While a sore throat is commonly a symptom of a cold or another viral infection, it can also be exacerbated by environmental factors and dietary choices. Among the myriad recommendations for managing this ailment, the role of diet is paramount, particularly in understanding what foods to avoid to not aggravate the condition further. In this post, we will explore why certain fruits, while generally healthy, should be avoided when you are suffering from a sore throat.

Understanding Sore Throats

A sore throat involves inflammation of the throat, known medically as pharyngitis. It can be triggered by viral infections like the common cold or flu, bacterial infections such as streptococcus, or irritants like pollution, smoking, or dry air. Accompanying symptoms often include cough, swelling, hoarseness, and discomfort that ranges from mild to severe.

Treating a sore throat typically involves soothing the symptoms since most cases stem from viruses that don’t require antibiotic treatment. Hydration, rest, and throat lozenges are common remedies, but dietary adjustments can also play a crucial role in managing the discomfort.

Characteristics of Fruits to Avoid

When choosing fruits during a sore throat, the key characteristics to avoid are high acidity, coarse textures, and those that can trigger allergic reactions. Acidic fruits can irritate the already sensitive mucous membranes of the throat, while coarse or fibrous textures can further scratch and irritate the throat.

Fruits To Avoid During Sore Throat

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits are typically hailed for their vitamin C content, which is crucial for immune function. However, their high acidity can prove detrimental when dealing with a sore throat. The acidic nature of these fruits can irritate the throat, leading to more pain and discomfort. For example, swallowing orange juice can feel like it’s stinging the inflamed tissues, thereby exacerbating the soreness.


Though often categorized as a vegetable in culinary contexts, tomatoes are botanically fruits and are similarly acidic to citrus fruits. Their acidic content can irritate the throat, making symptoms of a sore throat worse. This includes not only fresh tomatoes but also products like tomato sauce or juice, which might be consumed in larger amounts and can thus contribute to discomfort.


Pineapple is another fruit that can be problematic for those with a sore throat due to its acidity and the enzyme bromelain. While bromelain can help with digestion and inflammation, it can also contribute to sore throat irritation by breaking down proteins and attacking tender inflamed tissues in the throat.

Spicy Fruits

Some fruits, like certain varieties of plums or exotic fruits that have a spicy tang, can exacerbate a sore throat. The compounds that give these fruits their spicy flavor can irritate the throat just as much as traditional spicy foods, which are typically advised against when dealing with a sore throat.

Unripe Fruits

Fruits that are not fully ripe, such as green bananas or persimmons, can contain tannins which have astringent properties. These can cause a puckering sensation that can be uncomfortable and exacerbate throat irritation. Unripe fruits are harder to chew and swallow, which can lead to more pain when the throat is already tender.

Fruits To Avoid During Sore Throat

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